Vanilla Isn’t Always Bad

“Vanilla is an unobtrusive asset that should be embraced.”

Misplaced Muse Creative

va·nil·la /vəˈnilə/

adjective INFORMAL

having no special or extra features; ordinary or standard.
“choosing plain vanilla technology wherever you can will save you money”

While being called vanilla is most commonly viewed as something bad or boring or lacking in some way, I think that being called vanilla is a compliment.

Vanilla ice cream
Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay

Think about what is in your favorite milkshake or frozen concoction. Your favorite milkshake might be strawberry, but strawberry began as vanilla and had strawberry flavoring added to it. The same goes for chocolate. Start with vanilla and then add some sort of cocoa powder mixture. Cookies and cream? Yep. Vanilla with cookies in it. All of these delicious sugary medleys begin with one common ingredient: vanilla ice cream.

Vanilla is the foundation upon which some of the most amazing creations have been assembled.

One of my favorite ice cream treats is…

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Why Paperback Books are Better — Blue Spider Books

There are infinite reasons why paperbacks are better. How many can you think up?Why Paperback Books are Better — Blue Spider Books Don't get me wrong, I love my hardcovers. I hve entire shelves dedicated to hardcovers, but when it comes to readability and portability, you cannot beat a paperback. For me, they'll win every time.


Wow. According to stats, it's been quite some time since the last post here. This is me wondering if I can make the habit stick this time. How do you commit to blogging? How often do you post? Blue Spider Books & Wax is the result of an evolution of ideas. I've recently become passionate …

Review | July Blue Spider’s Attic Book Subscription Box

Check and this review (and previous reviews) of The Attic Box subscription box!

Things I'm Glad Are Things

The curator describes Blue Spider’s Attic as, “The magic of a used book store, delivered.” Except it’s actually even better because also, coffee! There are two different boxes available. First is The Attic Box by Blue Spider Press, which includes three second-hand books, a small package of coffee or tea, and several bookish items. This is just $21.99+ shipping if you buy a single box, though I paid $105.99+ shipping for a 6-month subscription, which is about $17.60 per month.

There’s also the Blue Spider’s Basic box, which comes with two books, a sample of coffee and tea, and no bookish extras. It starts at $13.99 per month, though it looks like there are discounts available for longer subscriptions.

No matter which box you choose, you fill out a few surveys about your likes. The forms I filled out included clarifying language that assured me I was not guaranteed the…

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Review | March Blue Spider’s Attic Book Subscription Box

Guys, I don’t get to step into the blogging space as often as I would like, but here I am making a flash appearance to share a recent review of our March Attic Box that I accidentally stumbled upon. Thanks to Agnes for including us in her subscription box project and for being real about tje books and goodies found inside the boxes. Be sure to check out the other reviews for some nifty sub boxes and tons of books! Enjoy the read!

Things I'm Glad Are Things

If you’ve been following along on my previous reviews of Blue Spider’s Attic, then you know I was overdue for some books I actually like from this box. Thankfully, that’s just what happened this month!

The curator describes Blue Spider’s Attic as, “The magic of a used book store, delivered.” Except it’s actually even better because also, coffee! There are two different boxes available. First is The Attic Box by Blue Spider Press, which includes three second-hand books, a small package of coffee or tea, and several bookish items. This is just $21.99+ shipping if you buy a single box, though I paid $105.99+ shipping for a 6-month subscription, which is about $17.60 per month.

There’s also the Blue Spider’s Basic box, which comes with two books, a sample of coffee and tea, and no bookish extras. It starts at $13.99 per month, though it looks like there are…

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